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"Our youth football program aims to foster the growth of young athletes through the values of fair competition, integrity, honesty, dedication, commitment and teamwork. We strive to create an environment where players learn the fundamentals of football, the importance of sportsmanship and the meaning of being part of a team.


Our coaches emphasize that winning is secondary to playing fairly and giving maximum effort. We teach our players to compete with heart and character, to win with humility and lose with grace. Respect for teammates, opponents, coaches and officials is mandatory.


Our program is dedicated to developing well-rounded individuals, not just athletes. We instill the principles of commitment, self-discipline and working together to achieve shared goals. Our players learn that through teamwork, communication and collective effort, they can accomplish more than they ever could alone.


Above all, we aim to make football fun while fostering essential life skills. Our goal is to equip our young athletes to thrive on and off the field."

Pillars we live by



  • Give maximum effort at practices and games, no matter what the score is. Hustle and work hard from start to finish.

  • Be a good teammate. Support others, don't criticize. Help teammates improve their skills.

  • Show respect for opponents before, during and after games. Don't trash talk or showboat.

  • Accept referee calls without argument. Don't dispute or complain about officiating.

  • Control emotions and avoid displays of anger and frustration. Compose yourself even when things don't go your way.

  • Play by the rules at all times. Don't bend or break rules even if you think you won't get caught.

  • Maintain self-discipline on and off the field. Make smart choices and represent the team well.

  • Congratulate opponents after each game, win or lose. Be humble and gracious.

  • Thank coaches, officials and others who contribute to the game. Appreciate their effort and time.

  • Set personal goals focused on development, not just scoring or stats. Measure progress and take pride in improvement.

  • Have fun! Enjoy being part of a team and playing the sport you love. Keep a positive attitude.


The bottom line is demonstrating integrity, selflessness and strong character. Uphold the team above your individual interests.



  • Emphasize effort and learning over wins and losses. Praise values like teamwork rather than just goals scored.

  • Avoid putting pressure on your child to succeed. Offer encouragement and avoid critiquing their performance.

  • Respect coaches' decisions about playing time, positions, substitutions, etc. Avoid questioning their judgment.

  • Model good sportsmanship in the stands. Cheer both teams and don't yell at referees, coaches or players.

  • Make sure your child follows the rules and displays good behavior. Hold them accountable off the field.

  • Help your child manage emotions. Provide perspective and encourage composure in difficult moments.

  • Volunteer to assist with the program or team in any way you can. Offer rides, snacks, etc.

  • Get to know the other parents. Build a supportive community around the team.

  • Thank coaches, officials and other volunteers for their time and effort. Recognize their contributions.

  • Keep winning and losing in perspective. Remind your child that it's just a game and the focus is on fun and learning.

  • Ensure your child attends all practices and games. Help them honor their commitments.


The key is reinforcing the program's values and helping your child grow on and off the field. Keep competitions low-pressure and focus on life lessons learned.



  • Emphasize effort and improvement over wins and losses. Praise players for hustling, good sportsmanship, teamwork, etc. rather than just the scoreboard.

  • Give equal playing time to all players, regardless of skill level. Avoid overplaying the most talented kids.

  • Teach the fundamentals of the game. Focus on building skills not just X's and O's.

  • Foster good communication between players. Encourage them to support each other and work together.

  • Model respectful behavior towards officials, other coaches, parents and opponents. Set a good example.

  • Maintain perspective - it's just a game. Keep competitions friendly and low-pressure, especially in practice.

  • Bench players who display poor sportsmanship, break rules, bully, etc. Stress that character matters more than talent.

  • Be approachable. Welcome player feedback and discuss ways to improve together.

  • Build players' confidence. Praise effort and progress. Reframe setbacks positively.

  • Encourage goal-setting, self-reflection and personal growth. Help players realize their potential on and off the field.


The key is emphasizing life lessons and values as much as football skills. Coaches should lead by example and make sportsmanship the top priority.

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